Tuesday 13 March 2012

Team Expectations and Objectives for the Successful Completion of Team Assessment

From Page 70 and 71 of resources manual.

Using comments can everyone please contribute:

1. Something that you think should be an overall team expectation

2. Something that you think should be an overall team Objective

3. One sentence for the overall team objective covering something that no one else has.


Unknown said...

1. My expectation: To keep connected with each other in order to stay on the same page, even when it is difficult to physically meet up

2. Objective that will enable this: To check the team blog at least every second day

3. The team is to stay connected and accountable throughout the duration of the project, and communicate to other members when they aren't able to complete an agreed upon task on time.

Matt Rawnsley said...

1. My expectation is that everyone makes an effort to contribute to team meetings and ideas as well as the work load

2. Check the blog regularly, it's probably something that is unique to our team, so we should use this as an advantage to communicate and get ahead so we can get it finished sooner.

3. Team members should notice when people don't appear to be contributing and encourage them to get involved and share their ideas.

Alex Baird said...

1. Do your best to keep inolved in the group work as we don't want a few people do the majority of the assignment

2. Keep up regular communication, whether it is through the blog or texting if you have specific question for a member.

3. Allow people to work to their strengths, as we are a diverse group with all members having unique skills we should utilise this: if someone feels strongly about an area of work let them use their skills