Thursday 15 March 2012

Spain as a possibility for Disney Land entry

Okay, so I've worked out how to post (am i doing it right?)
I was researching a bit, and after viewing that top 10 most visited countries graph in the link supplied by Mel, I realized that Australia isn't even on it. This led me to re-think my choice a bit.
Since there has been a few speculations, about where Disney will appear next, over the web, it seems evident that Disney does research new countries as potential for new development of theme parks. This seems to happen on a fairly regular basis (and this is where the speculations come from).
Seeing Spain come in at number 3 in the top 10 most visited countries made me think they maybe they are a viable candidate for Disney's next venture?

Disney currently already has a presence in Spain, with Disney Cruise Line. This means that Disney has already entered the market, and would now just need to establish themselves further within Spain by building a theme park.

However, Paramount Studios has recently (this year) signed a deal to complete a purchase of land of 1 million square metres in Murcia. Murcia has proven to be a popular tourist destination for families traveling to Spain, which is what appealed to Paramount Studios.

This raises some good questions that we could discuss in the next meeting.
Some questions I've thought of that you could think about for the next meeting:
Would it be too risky for Disney to attempt to break in to the Spain market with Disney Land, knowing that Paramount are already in the planning stage to build their own super-sized theme park?
Would having Disney Cruise Lines as an existing entity give Disney a competitive advantage if they were to take the risk of entering the Spain market?
Would the Spain Government allow the construction of a second large-scale theme park?
 Considering Spain is a neighboring country to France, would the construction of a new Disney Land in Spain affect the business of the Disney Land in France? Too close to existing theme park?

References I've used so far:


mel said...

You're definitely right (posted successfully). I just read through your research and as a neighbouring country to France, also the fact that Paramount Studios will be building a theme park, I think it will definitely be a very big risk Disney would not like to take on and destroy their reputation.

Matt Rawnsley said...

yeah, that's what I was thinking, but, then I was thinking that we could still research it a little further, and add it into the assignment and be able to dismiss it as a contestant for the next Disneyland using those points though.
Not sure, we can discuss this further in the meeting I think, where we can throw around some more ideas.