Saturday 24 March 2012

Disney Selection Criteria

Disney Selection Criteria

The article I read on the selection process - which Mel posted last Monday - concerntrated on the opening of a new Disneyland/world was based heavily on the Hong Kong development.  While it was helpful, it was written with the idea that the Hong Kong goverment was just as much in the selection process as Disney.

For this reason it did not discuss the Disney selection on the large scale that we have been discussing, instead it went from the standpoint that they had already decided to build in Hong Kong and the criteria for finding a site was made with this in mind.

From the article I found a table which is a good demonstration of what an ideal site needs... I will post what I got from the article and see what you all think the next step should be; should I try and find a different criteria, or should we work from this one?

*Before the table included below the article has this phrase: " From the development experience in United State, Disneyland amusement park has its special attraction that preemptive occupies a primary market of an area alone without competition (Urban Land Institute (ULI),1997)."

Because of the broken english that is sometimes contained in this article the phrase doesn't make absolute sense, but I think it means that a pre-requisit of the development of a new site now must be that there is an opportunity for disneyland to occupy a market without competition when discussing a new location

(1) adequate utilities since parks are heavy users of power, water and sewage
(2) existing greenery (can reduce landscaping costs)
(3) complexity of construction work required
Development Environment
(4) a favorable governmental climate for both zoning and taxation negotiation;
(5) limited number of neighboring residents who might object to the
development and its subsequent operation
Access to the Location
(6) near major highway with ample capacity to handle traffic and good
(7) secondary road for auxiliary or emergency entrance/ exit and other service
(8) a meadow area for parking would be best if it is situated close to the
highway or in another logical location; and
Maturity of the Location
(9) a visible sitecapable of displaying key elements (towersmajor structures,
and a sign) to the passing motorists;
(10) identification with and existing land mark or area (helpful, but not
(11) larger then 200 acres (can have increase in the future)
(12) local requirements for buffer zones also affect the required acreage
(13) topology: relatively level or no more then gently rolling
(14) rectangular in shape
(15) abundance of natural beauty

So there you go, sorry it was later than expected, trying to get this work/uni/life balance sorted. See you all monday

1 comment:

mel said...

alex i realised i dont have your gmail so i sent the criteria to your uni mail- check it out. sorryy