Tuesday 20 March 2012

Group Meeting 2 Minutes

Meeting Details: Tuesday 20/03/2012, 12:30pm-2:00pm
Present: Matt, Alex, Poh, Mel and Rhianon

Minutes: Matt

Brief Summary:
Today we further discussed the 3 countries that we have chosen to pursue in order to make sure everyone was on the same page, discussing some of the resources we had used to find information, as well as some of the strengths and weaknesses of each country.

The main objective for today's meeting was to discuss the criteria of the assignment as well as the criteria for setting up a new Disney Land theme park. We all went through the assignment criteria as per the unit guide, to ensure everyone has an equal understanding on what is expected, as well as to start delegating the research and report sections.

Work completed:
We assigned 2 people to research each country in more detail:
  • Basil: Rhianon & Tom
  • Spain: Matt & Poh
  • Turkey: Mel & Alex

We also assigned each person with a specific area of focus in the report itself:
  1. Introduction & conclusion: Rhianon
  2. Business, Disney & Culture: Matt
  3. Candidate City Background: Mel
  4. Disney Selection Criteria: Alex
  5. Disney and Success: Poh
  6. Recommendations of Preferred Location: Tom

 With this meeting, we gained a more solid sense of direction for where the assignment is heading and what everyone's expectations were.

Next meeting: TBC - I think we decided on having our next one in 2 weeks time? or are we doing another one next week? could someone please confirm?


mel said...

No meeting next week because we should all be busy doing individual assigned work. Thanks for the post Matt.

Unknown said...

I don't know if Disneyland would fit on Basil.. the leaves are pretty small..