Tuesday 13 March 2012

Group Meeting 1 Minutes

Meeting details: 1pm - 2.15pm Tuesday 13/03/2012
Mel, Matt, Rhianon

Minutes: Rhianon

Brief summary of discussion:

Discussion centred around collectively reading and discussing the assignment, and clearly defining the objectives and outcomes that were expected. Went through the project description in the unit guide and highlighted and discussed points that we thought were worth focussing on - such as the requirement to use problem solving aids like mind maps and the KT model. 

We then discussed possible countries that we could use as the three countries. Mel had done pre research into this, and suggested Turkey, and gave a strong case to support her research. It was agreed upon that Turkey would be one of the three countries that we explored further. Matt and Rhianon were tasked with researching and finding other countries to consider. 

The selection criteria, research guides and key indicators to select a country as a possible location were discussed, and agreed to be as follows:

- Strong economy, particularly in light of the GFC
- Relationship with the U.S.A, considering cultural issues and clashes
- Location in regard to the U.S.A
- Existing tourism industry
- Existing infrastructure
- Number of U.S tourists that visit each year
- Government stability
-  Socio economic status of the majority of citizens - is the country developed or developing?
- Proximity to other Disney sites

We also discussed the use of the blog, and agreed that it would be a team goal for each person to contribute at least one post and one comment per week.

Agreed actions:

1. Rhianon and Matt to research and decide on one extra country each to use for project, giving evidence as to why it is a suitable suggestion. This reseach and argument is to be communicated via the blog before next meeting. 

2. All members to use the blog and make at least one comment on a blog post, to ensure that everyone can at least access it and use its basic functionality

3. Do required readings for the project - Hill (2007) and read information available on the Disney website - all members

4. Research online based tools to use when doing our mind mapping/brain storming components - to increase efficiency and save time by not having to type everything up at the end of the project before submission
5. Share any further ideas on the blog :)

One area we did not cover this meeting was page 70 and 71 of the Resources Manual as all team members were not present. In light of this it will be completed online, as a blog post where comments will make up the required information.


Tuesday  20/03/2012
12.30 Library group meeting room  - Matt can you please comment with the room number?

1 comment:

Matt Rawnsley said...

Room number for this meeting is P208
So if you head up to the library via the 1st set of stairs in P block, (from the cafeteria downstairs) then go left (away from service desk) and it's down the end to the left. If you get lost just ask at the library service desk.

Also, how do I make a post? lol