Sunday 29 April 2012

Disney as a multinational corporation has the responsibility to be a corporate citizen. In relation to success in corporate governance. Disney was infamous in mid to late 90s during the reign of Michael Eisner as CEO and chairman of Disney, he recruited Michael Ovitz who is a friend his to be the Disney president in the mid to late 90s. After 14 months of failure in Disney Michael Ovitz was fired by the company. Michael Ovitz received a huge payout of $140 million this causes an outcry from Disney shareholders and a lawsuit against Disney for being irresponsible to their shareholders. The shareholder lawsuit was settled in 2006 with the Delaware Supreme Court deciding that the directors ultimately acted in good faith and as such Disney could not be held liable for the cost of the Ovitz debacle.
( Lederman, 2008, p.558 ) Speculation has been made that that the board of directors consist with friends and other acquaintances of Michael Eisner this is detrimental to the board‘s objectivity and decision making ability. After this infamous event Disney implemented a guideline that the board of directors have to oblige. The company is committed to governance policies and practices that promote the thoughtful and independent focusing on the shareholder interests in order to promote and maintain high ethical standards and legal compliance the company adopted standards of business conduct such as elimination of classified board, establishment of strict independence requirement. The company also encourage board membership that reflects the diversity of their shareholders, employees, customers, guest and community.
( TheWaltDisneyCompany, n.d. )
Disney also has its Corporate Social responsibility, few of the objectives are to minimize Disney’s environmental footprint, create a efficient workplace wherever Disney does its business, create opportunities the community to help the planet, utilizing the strategic philanthropy to create a positive change in communities and to partner with communities to raise healthy children. On the environment page Disney has launched an internal climate solutions fund in 2010, which establishes an annual price on greenhouse gas emissions for their business units. Product footprint and water use was more efficient with the establishment of new company targets. Development of new construction has been base of an ecosystem services assessment and sustainable design evaluation. Disney has created a suitable environment for its employees to work in like building childcare facilities in its workplace. The community is no exception for Disney as it implements few projects that involve the community to make a change like for example Disney friends for change or the Disney planet challenge. ( TheWaltDisneyCompanny, n.d. )
Ethics and culture is important to a company like Disney as understanding is required. Disney has implemented human rights policy statement to clearly articulate their ongoing commitment to people around the world and to cement priorities in this area for the future. Disney has given its respect and support international principles aim at protecting and promoting human rights. It is critical for Disney to gain local support before establishing into a new market and whether Disney concept, ideas and characters fits the culture of its new venture. The success of Disney in Tokyo is an example of it. The failure of Disney inception to the French market was an example of poor management and lack of research done unlike Disney to do so. Hence it is an important task for Disney to be a responsible corporate citizen not only to focus on its shareholders but the stakeholders as well.

TheWaltDisneyCompany n.d., Disney Citizenship, Disney, viewed 27 April 2012,

TheWaltDisneyCompany n.d., Corporate Governance, Disney, viewed 27 April 2012,


disney has taken down their old corporate website which included the corporate citizenship report 2010 

Saturday 28 April 2012

where do i post my part ? i can seem to edit the google doc thing

Thursday 26 April 2012

Hey everyone, PLEASE please pretty please have your part - PLUS references - put into the google doc by Saturday (at the LATEST).

 If you still don't have access - Tell me ASAP.

Monday 23 April 2012

Link to add your part to FINAL report - due TODAY

If you cant edit - let me know and I'll give you access - just specify your google account email

Tuesday 17 April 2012

So sorry.

So sorry I havent been much/if any help with this guys, theres been alot of stuff happening lately and yeah I wont really go into it but I will be in every class/not in Sydney for the rest of semester. I can't apologise enough please let me know what I can do and I'll take on more because of my already minimal contribution . Sorry again. Tom.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Guys, I know its holidays and its a saturday (dont judge) I've tried to put the presentation together- I hope yall like it.

This is the link to the presentation:

The musts and wants look messy when you look at the presentation from this link but really its not. I cant come in on monday because I have a job interview (wish me luck) but Ive almost completed my part so I hope its not too much of a problem.

Can yall let me know what you think thanks :))

Monday 2 April 2012

Link to Prezi from week 6 class -

Password: teamsix

Go in and add/edit if you need.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Next week.

On the course outline it says theres something due next week? I need to go back to Sydney on sunday to deal with some family things but let me know what I can do and I'll get it to you by Monday morning.

Cities for Disneyland

Hey all, I was checking on Blackboard, and there had been a post from a teacher that said there was specific cities we had to choose from.
It's in week 6 of the course content under Assessment 3a.
It's a word document with countries we can choose, and then more specifically, the cities within those countries we can choose.

Lucky for us, all of our countries are there! but you might wish to have a look at the cities, and we can always question it in class on Monday too.
Here's the cities from our countries listed as in the table:
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Barcelona, Spain 

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Note for Tom

Hey Tom,
For Brazil the city we will concentrate on researching is Curitiba - this is a city that there are already rumours about a Disney theme park opening in, and from my research shows to be technologically advanced  and is well regarded on a world scale for its urban planning and sustainable design as a city.

Some general discussion on the Brazil rumour

Saturday 24 March 2012

Disney Selection Criteria

Disney Selection Criteria

The article I read on the selection process - which Mel posted last Monday - concerntrated on the opening of a new Disneyland/world was based heavily on the Hong Kong development.  While it was helpful, it was written with the idea that the Hong Kong goverment was just as much in the selection process as Disney.

For this reason it did not discuss the Disney selection on the large scale that we have been discussing, instead it went from the standpoint that they had already decided to build in Hong Kong and the criteria for finding a site was made with this in mind.

From the article I found a table which is a good demonstration of what an ideal site needs... I will post what I got from the article and see what you all think the next step should be; should I try and find a different criteria, or should we work from this one?

*Before the table included below the article has this phrase: " From the development experience in United State, Disneyland amusement park has its special attraction that preemptive occupies a primary market of an area alone without competition (Urban Land Institute (ULI),1997)."

Because of the broken english that is sometimes contained in this article the phrase doesn't make absolute sense, but I think it means that a pre-requisit of the development of a new site now must be that there is an opportunity for disneyland to occupy a market without competition when discussing a new location

(1) adequate utilities since parks are heavy users of power, water and sewage
(2) existing greenery (can reduce landscaping costs)
(3) complexity of construction work required
Development Environment
(4) a favorable governmental climate for both zoning and taxation negotiation;
(5) limited number of neighboring residents who might object to the
development and its subsequent operation
Access to the Location
(6) near major highway with ample capacity to handle traffic and good
(7) secondary road for auxiliary or emergency entrance/ exit and other service
(8) a meadow area for parking would be best if it is situated close to the
highway or in another logical location; and
Maturity of the Location
(9) a visible sitecapable of displaying key elements (towersmajor structures,
and a sign) to the passing motorists;
(10) identification with and existing land mark or area (helpful, but not
(11) larger then 200 acres (can have increase in the future)
(12) local requirements for buffer zones also affect the required acreage
(13) topology: relatively level or no more then gently rolling
(14) rectangular in shape
(15) abundance of natural beauty

So there you go, sorry it was later than expected, trying to get this work/uni/life balance sorted. See you all monday

Friday 23 March 2012

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Group Meeting 2 Minutes

Meeting Details: Tuesday 20/03/2012, 12:30pm-2:00pm
Present: Matt, Alex, Poh, Mel and Rhianon

Minutes: Matt

Brief Summary:
Today we further discussed the 3 countries that we have chosen to pursue in order to make sure everyone was on the same page, discussing some of the resources we had used to find information, as well as some of the strengths and weaknesses of each country.

The main objective for today's meeting was to discuss the criteria of the assignment as well as the criteria for setting up a new Disney Land theme park. We all went through the assignment criteria as per the unit guide, to ensure everyone has an equal understanding on what is expected, as well as to start delegating the research and report sections.

Work completed:
We assigned 2 people to research each country in more detail:
  • Basil: Rhianon & Tom
  • Spain: Matt & Poh
  • Turkey: Mel & Alex

We also assigned each person with a specific area of focus in the report itself:
  1. Introduction & conclusion: Rhianon
  2. Business, Disney & Culture: Matt
  3. Candidate City Background: Mel
  4. Disney Selection Criteria: Alex
  5. Disney and Success: Poh
  6. Recommendations of Preferred Location: Tom

 With this meeting, we gained a more solid sense of direction for where the assignment is heading and what everyone's expectations were.

Next meeting: TBC - I think we decided on having our next one in 2 weeks time? or are we doing another one next week? could someone please confirm?

Monday 19 March 2012

Guys this is the link to the article i mentioned in class today - it includes the criteria used for Disneyland Hong Kong.
If I find something better I will attach

Sunday 18 March 2012

Meeting this week

Hi all,
Just to confirm, we have a team meeting this week, on the Tuesday again at 12:30-2
Room number for this meeting is P208
So if you head up to the library via the 1st set of stairs in P block, (from the cafeteria downstairs) then go left (away from service desk) and it's down the end to the left. If you get lost just ask at the library service desk.
See you all tomorrow anyway, but hope we can all make it to the Tuesday meeting too.

Thursday 15 March 2012

info on turkey (geo, economic, etc)

Just some more info on Turkey that you guys can read and decide whether it should be our number 1 :))

Geography location: South-western Asia (that part west of the Bosphorus is sometimes included with Europe), bordering the Black Sea, between Bulgaria and Georgia, and bordering the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, between Greece and Syria.

Geographic coordinates: 39 00 N, 35 00 E


total area: 780,580 sq km
land area: 770,760 sq km
water area: 9,820 sq km
comparative area: slightly larger than Texas, or larger than France and UK put together, or 2.5 times bigger than Italy.

Turkey in EuropeLand boundaries

total: 2,648 km
border countries: Armenia 268 km, Azerbaijan 9 km, Bulgaria 240 km, Georgia 252 km, Greece 206 km, Iran 499 km, Iraq 352 km, Syria 822 km.


The economic situation in recent years has been marked by rapid growth coupled with partial success in implementing structural reform measures. Inflation declined to 10,45% in 2011 (8.9% in 2010), down from 90% in 1997.
A major political and economic issue over the next decade is whether or not Turkey will become a member of the EU.

Exchange rates: USD 1 = 1.88 TL , Euro 1 = 2.45 TL

I want to add that if we build Disney in Turkey, we need to keep in mind weather conditions- a place that meets this criteria is Izmir. For the first time in 20 years they had snow this year.

Sources: CIA - The World Fact book 2006, Turkish Statistical Institute, World Bank, DHMI, TCDD, MB.

Spain as a possibility for Disney Land entry

Okay, so I've worked out how to post (am i doing it right?)
I was researching a bit, and after viewing that top 10 most visited countries graph in the link supplied by Mel, I realized that Australia isn't even on it. This led me to re-think my choice a bit.
Since there has been a few speculations, about where Disney will appear next, over the web, it seems evident that Disney does research new countries as potential for new development of theme parks. This seems to happen on a fairly regular basis (and this is where the speculations come from).
Seeing Spain come in at number 3 in the top 10 most visited countries made me think they maybe they are a viable candidate for Disney's next venture?

Disney currently already has a presence in Spain, with Disney Cruise Line. This means that Disney has already entered the market, and would now just need to establish themselves further within Spain by building a theme park.

However, Paramount Studios has recently (this year) signed a deal to complete a purchase of land of 1 million square metres in Murcia. Murcia has proven to be a popular tourist destination for families traveling to Spain, which is what appealed to Paramount Studios.

This raises some good questions that we could discuss in the next meeting.
Some questions I've thought of that you could think about for the next meeting:
Would it be too risky for Disney to attempt to break in to the Spain market with Disney Land, knowing that Paramount are already in the planning stage to build their own super-sized theme park?
Would having Disney Cruise Lines as an existing entity give Disney a competitive advantage if they were to take the risk of entering the Spain market?
Would the Spain Government allow the construction of a second large-scale theme park?
 Considering Spain is a neighboring country to France, would the construction of a new Disney Land in Spain affect the business of the Disney Land in France? Too close to existing theme park?

References I've used so far:

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Team Expectations and Objectives for the Successful Completion of Team Assessment

From Page 70 and 71 of resources manual.

Using comments can everyone please contribute:

1. Something that you think should be an overall team expectation

2. Something that you think should be an overall team Objective

3. One sentence for the overall team objective covering something that no one else has.

Group Meeting 1 Minutes

Meeting details: 1pm - 2.15pm Tuesday 13/03/2012
Mel, Matt, Rhianon

Minutes: Rhianon

Brief summary of discussion:

Discussion centred around collectively reading and discussing the assignment, and clearly defining the objectives and outcomes that were expected. Went through the project description in the unit guide and highlighted and discussed points that we thought were worth focussing on - such as the requirement to use problem solving aids like mind maps and the KT model. 

We then discussed possible countries that we could use as the three countries. Mel had done pre research into this, and suggested Turkey, and gave a strong case to support her research. It was agreed upon that Turkey would be one of the three countries that we explored further. Matt and Rhianon were tasked with researching and finding other countries to consider. 

The selection criteria, research guides and key indicators to select a country as a possible location were discussed, and agreed to be as follows:

- Strong economy, particularly in light of the GFC
- Relationship with the U.S.A, considering cultural issues and clashes
- Location in regard to the U.S.A
- Existing tourism industry
- Existing infrastructure
- Number of U.S tourists that visit each year
- Government stability
-  Socio economic status of the majority of citizens - is the country developed or developing?
- Proximity to other Disney sites

We also discussed the use of the blog, and agreed that it would be a team goal for each person to contribute at least one post and one comment per week.

Agreed actions:

1. Rhianon and Matt to research and decide on one extra country each to use for project, giving evidence as to why it is a suitable suggestion. This reseach and argument is to be communicated via the blog before next meeting. 

2. All members to use the blog and make at least one comment on a blog post, to ensure that everyone can at least access it and use its basic functionality

3. Do required readings for the project - Hill (2007) and read information available on the Disney website - all members

4. Research online based tools to use when doing our mind mapping/brain storming components - to increase efficiency and save time by not having to type everything up at the end of the project before submission
5. Share any further ideas on the blog :)

One area we did not cover this meeting was page 70 and 71 of the Resources Manual as all team members were not present. In light of this it will be completed online, as a blog post where comments will make up the required information.


Tuesday  20/03/2012
12.30 Library group meeting room  - Matt can you please comment with the room number?

Brazil as a possible location

Brazil, as one of the strongest emerging economies in present times is an option for a new Disneyland that we are exploring.

Brazil has the following attributes:
- Accessible to U.S. tourists
- Ease of tourist visa attainment
- Cultural openess to U.S
- Developing infrastructure that will support higher numbers of tourists
-2014 and 2016 promise to be  two important years sports wise in Brazil with the World Cup and the Olympic Games - increase for global profile, and more public transport/money spent on tourist facilities (eg hotels, public amenities, improved visitor information and access)
- Tourist safety higher than for other South American and Central American countries
- Economy is stable
- Brazillian dollar (Real) is weaker than the U.S. dollar making it a more attractive option for tourists
- Population big enough to support new business
- Moderate tropical climate that allows for use of an outdoor park all year round
-Brazilians are the third most popular visitors (behind US and Japanese) at Walt Disney World in Orlando.

Reasons against:
- "The very few theme parks that exist in Brazil are losing money, or making a very small profit, even in the booming economy that Brazil faces today."
"When you have beautiful beaches to go for free, or astonishing views for a very low price, it is difficult to justify paying US$ 85.00 to have fun. Perhaps that is the reason all theme parks failed in Rio.
Besides that, there is no land available for a big project like a Disney theme park + resort in the wealth side of Rio, and believe me, you would not appreciate going to the poor side." 


Found in researching - a creative concept of a Disneyworld Brazil -